2023-2024 Transfer Advising Guides [Archived Catalog]
HIST 2381 - African-American History I
Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of people of African descent in the formation and development of the United States to the Civil War/Reconstruction period. African American History I includes the study of African origins and legacy, transAtlantic slave trade, and the experiences of African Americans during Colonial, Revolutionary, Early National, Antebellum, and the Civil War/Reconstruction Eras. This course will enable students to understand African American history as an integral part of U.S. history. (May be applied to the U.S. History requirement.)
This course fulfills the American History foundational component area of the core and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 54.0102.53 25
Offered at: NLC: Yes NVC: Yes PAC: Yes SAC: Yes SPC: Yes Click here for course schedule information.