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2023-2024 Transfer Advising Guides 
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2023-2024 Transfer Advising Guides [Archived Catalog]

Interdisciplinary Studies, Generalist Grades 4-8, Teacher Certification - AAT to BS - Angelo State University (ASU) 2023-2024

Lower Division Requirements at the Alamo Colleges District for an AAT degree

The courses in this section meet the requirements for an Associate of Arts in Teaching degree. The Graduation section in any catalog of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District lists additional Degree/Certificate Requirements.

Semester I

Semester II

Semester III

Semester IV

Semester V

Semester VI

Applicable Transfer Credit Hours

This Transfer Advising Guide provides 72 college-level hours, of which 70 will transfer and apply, as 2 SCH of EDUC 1300 will transfer but will NOT be applicable towards the Angelo State University baccalaureate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, Generalist Grades 4-8, Teacher Certification.

Note: Angelo State University does not have a maximum number of college-level transfer hours accepted towards a baccalaureate degree. Students must complete the specified number of advanced credits and credits in residence for their degrees.

Note: Angelo State University requires a grade of “C” or better on all coursework except electives.

Note: For the Alamo Colleges District this transfer advising guide is core complete and degree complete.

Angelo State University Transfer Scholarship Information

Alamo Colleges District students transferring to Angelo State University with a 2.5 GPA may be eligible for the ASU Distinguished Transfer Scholarship. Students who are admitted to ASU will automatically be considered for the scholarship.

Angelo State University stacks scholarships.

Milestone Course(s)

*** denotes Milestone Course(s).

A milestone course is a course that is critical for success in this program as determined by the Faculty of the Alamo Colleges District.

Associate of Arts in Teaching

The AAT Degree Program Texas Teacher Certification targets individuals who have a desire to enter the field of education as a teacher, school administrator, counselor, or some aspect of child/adolescent development.  Students should check with the college department, the transfer center, or the university to which they plan to transfer for additional information.

Additional information can be found at:

Special Admission Requirements for Angelo State University Teacher Certification

Procedures for Admission to the Educator Preparation Program

Candidates apply for admission to the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) when they have completed at least 60 semester credit hours. Instructions for applying to the EPP are available on the College of Education website. The Texas Education Agency requires a Technology Fee for all candidates, the fee must be paid before acceptance into the EPP.

At the time of application to the Educator Preparation Program, all applicants must demonstrate that they have:

•   Completed EPP interview in EPI Center

•   Completed 60 SCH with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 at the time of application to the Educator Preparation Program.

•   Completed at least 12 SCH in the major/teaching field (or 15 SCH if mathematics or science major) coursework with no grade lower than a “C” and a GPA of a minimum 2.75.

•   Completed the coursework to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, mathematics, and communication. To demonstrate proficiency, the candidate must complete the following with a grade of “C” or better:

· Reading - History 1301 and 1302, and Political Science 2305 and 2306.

· Writing - English 1301 and 1302 (or English 2311 if Secondary or All-level Certification).

· Mathematics - Mathematics 1314 or equivalent.

· Oral Communication - Communication 1315.

•   Have met the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI). The TSI skill requirements are normally met at the time of admission to the university or through required coursework. For more information about the TSI, visit the Angelo State University TSI website.

•   Angelo State University’s candidates demonstrate acceptable teacher behavior. Candidates will be evaluated on these behaviors through the assessment of teacher dispositions. At the point of admission to the Educator Preparation Program, students are required to review and accept the unit’s dispositions. To view the dispositions visit the College of Education website.

Procedures for Admission to the Student/Clinical Teaching Program

Candidates applying for the Student/Clinical Teaching Program must:

•   Attend a student/clinical teaching application meeting in the long semester prior to student/clinical teaching. Dates and times will be announced and posted at the beginning of each long semester in the University Calendar and an email will be sent campus-wide with meeting information.

•   Submit an application for student/clinical teaching. (See College of Education Calendar for deadlines.) Application forms are available on the College of Education website.

•   A degree plan or post-baccalaureate certification plan must be on file in the College of Education office prior to applying to student/ clinical teaching.

At the time of application, all applicants must have completed:

•   All of the criteria for admission to the Teacher Education Program,

•   A minimum of 95 SCH with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75, and

•   All applicable requirements listed below.

All applicants must possess sound physical health, sound mental health, and acceptable moral character. The Admission, Retention, and Dismissal Committee may require the candidate to undergo physical and/or psychiatric evaluation.

Student/Clinical Teaching Eligibility Requirements

Note: Candidates should consult their degree plans for reference to required courses in their major. Any deficiencies or requirement listed below must be corrected:

•   By the end of the second summer term for fall student/clinical teaching, or

•   By the end of the fall semester for spring student/clinical teaching.

Certification: Grades 7 to 12 and All-Level

Candidates pursuing grades 7 to 12 or all-level certification in an area where the semester hour requirement for the major is:

•   If the degree major has 30-42 semester hours must have grade point averages in the major of 2.75 (cumulative) with no grade lower than a “C” in all required courses completed and must have completed a minimum 24 semester hours (including 9 advanced hours) in order to be eligible to clinical teach.

•   If the degree major has more than 42 semester hours must have grade point averages in the major of 2.75 (cumulative) with no grade lower than a “C” in all required courses completed and must have completed a minimum of 48 semester hours (including 18 advanced) in order to be eligible to clinical teach.

•   Candidates must have completed all required advanced Pedagogy and Professional responsibilities courses (Education 4321, Education 4322, Educational Psychology 3303 and Reading 4320) with grade point averages of 2.75 (cumulative) with no grade lower than a “C” in order to be eligible to clinical teach.

Candidates seeking additional certification areas must meet the same requirements as listed above.

Certification: Early Childhood Education to Grade 6 and Grades 4 to 8

Candidates pursuing Early Childhood Education to Grade 6 and Grades 4 to 8 certification must complete the following to be eligible to student/clinical teach.

• Except for courses used as electives, a grade of “C” or better is required on all course work.

• Candidates pursuing Early Childhood to Grade 6 certification must complete all courses in the interdisciplinary major in order to be eligible to student/clinical teach with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 with no grade lower than a “C”. All candidates are required to complete Practicum courses as a block prior to student/clinical teaching, with a GPA of at least 2.75 with no grade lower than a “C”.

• Candidates pursuing 4-8 certification must complete all courses in the interdisciplinary major with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 with no grade lower than a “C” in order to be eligible to student/clinical teach. Candidates are required to complete Practicum I courses as a block prior to student/clinical teaching.

The Admission, Retention, and Dismissal Committee of the Teacher Education Council must approve all applications for student/clinical teaching. Candidates who wish to appeal any of the admission requirements must petition the Chair.

Additional Angelo State University Advising Notes

  • Make an appointment with the academic advisor of the major, once accepted to Angelo State University in order to clarify department, college and university policies and procedures, to review course sequencing and to help with identifying resources for academic success. Information on academic advising can be found at
  • Refer to the official source of information on specific courses within Angelo State University requirements for this degree plan from the Angelo State University 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog.
  • Pay close attention to course sequencing and availability at Angelo State University as it will affect the time it takes to complete the degree program.

Using this Transfer Advising Guide with Angelo State University

This Transfer Advising Guide represents Angelo State University’s degree plan and is subject to change at the university’s discretion. It is intended for advising purposes only so students know exactly which courses they can take at any of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District and have the courses count towards degree requirements when they transfer to Angelo State University. It is highly recommended that students meet with their assigned academic advisor to review all graduation and transfer requirements listed in the Transfer Advising Guide.

The ultimate goal is to provide students with accurate information for transfer pathways while minimizing loss of credits in transfer. Students are encouraged to review Angelo State University’s requirements frequently.

Course numbers in italics are Angelo State University’s course numbers.

This Transfer Advising Guide is based upon Angelo State University’s Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 and is subject to change.

The Alamo Colleges District Advising

Students are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor about courses and other educational concerns if they plan to pursue a two-year degree program, transfer to another college or university, or simply take a few selected courses. In addition to course and degree requirements, policies and procedures are subject to change; stay informed by meeting with an academic advisor regularly.

Many students who plan to transfer to a university are advised to fulfill the lower-division requirements for the university. With appropriate planning, your Alamo Colleges District team can help make the transfer experience a seamless process. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they take courses at the Alamo Colleges District that will be accepted by the senior institutions they wish to attend.

For more information contact your Alamo Colleges District team.

Release Date:

Release on December 4, 2023