Lower Division Requirements at the Alamo Colleges District for an AAS degree
The courses in this section meet the requirements for an Associate of Applied Science degree. The Graduation section in any catalog of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District lists additional Degree/Certificate Requirements.
Applicable Transfer Credit Hours
This Transfer Advising Guide provides 70 college-level hours, of which 66 will transfer and apply as 4 SCH of Occupational Emphasis will transfer, but will NOT be applicable towards the Texas State University baccalaureate degree in Applied Arts and Sciences.
Note: Texas State University accepts a maximum of 72 college-level hours in transfer towards a baccalaureate degree. Students must complete the specified number of advanced credits and credits in residence for their degrees.
Note: Texas State University will accept 41 SCH of Technical/Vocational credits for this major based on degree requirements. Courses evaluated as Vocational Education (VOCED), such as those that transfer as “TxST Occupational Emphasis,” are not computed in the transfer grade point average (GPA). VOCED courses will not be used for admission purposes. The BAAS degree is the only degree at TxST with an Occupational Emphasis aspect to the degree.
Note: [Texas State University Requirement] If two years of the same modern language were taken in high school, then no additional language hours will be required for the degree. In the absence of modern language taken in high school, then two semesters of the same modern language (1410 and 1420) must be taken at the college level, and the requirement will be added to the student’s degree audit.
Note: For the Alamo Colleges District this transfer advising guide is Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree complete, but NOT core complete.
Milestone Course(s)
*** denotes Milestone Course(s).
A milestone course is a course that is critical for success in this program as determined by the Faculty of the Alamo Colleges District.
Additional Texas State University Advising Notes
Texas State University Assured Admission:
To receive assured admission as a transfer student, you must meet the following minimum requirements at the time of application.
Only completed course work submitted prior to the application deadline will be considered for admission purposes.
For students with 1-14 transferable hours: minimum 2.0 GPA in all transferable coursework and meet freshman admission standards.
For students with 15-29 transferable hours must have a minimum 2.5 GPA in all transferable course work.
For students with 30 or more transferable hours must have a minimum 2.25 GPA in all transferable course work.
All students must be eligible to return to all previous institutions and be at least one full semester out of high school.
Credit by exam (AP, IB, CLEP) is not considered for transfer admission purposes. You must also be eligible to return to all previous institutions, regardless of GPA or degrees received (e.g., free of suspensions, dismissal, or forced withdrawal).
Students transferring to Texas State from a community college may elect to follow the Texas State University 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog that was in effect at the time they enrolled at their community college. Students may also, with the approval of their College Dean, follow a subsequent catalog. Students are reminded to refer to their designated catalog for information related to University requirements for curriculum, graduation, probation/suspension, and other general information.
Using this Transfer Advising Guide with Texas State University
This Transfer Advising Guide represents Texas State University’s degree plan and is subject to change at the university’s discretion. It is intended for advising purposes only so students know exactly which courses they can take at any of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District and have the courses count towards degree requirements when they transfer to Texas State. It is highly recommended that students meet with their assigned advisor to review all graduation and transfer requirements listed in the Transfer Advising Guide.
The ultimate goal is to provide students with accurate information for transfer pathways while minimizing loss of credits in transfer. Students are encouraged to review Texas State University’s requirements frequently.
Course numbers in italics are Texas State’s course numbers.
This Transfer Advising Guide is based upon Texas State University’s 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog and is subject to change.
The Alamo Colleges District Advising
Students are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor about courses and other educational concerns if they plan to pursue a two-year degree program, transfer to another college or university, or simply take a few selected courses. In addition to course and degree requirements, policies and procedures are subject to change; stay informed by meeting with an academic advisor regularly.
Many students who plan to transfer to a university are advised to fulfill the lower-division requirements for the university. With appropriate planning, your Alamo Colleges District team can help make the transfer experience a seamless process. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they take courses at the Alamo Colleges District that will be accepted by the senior institutions they wish to attend.
For more information contact your Alamo Colleges District team.
Release Date:
Released on October 17, 2023