2024-2025 Transfer Advising Guides
BIOL 2306 - Environmental Biology (Lecture)
Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420
Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0410
This course is a study of human interrelationships and their interdependence with the environment. Studies will include the impact of human activities on the environment and their effect on natural and human resources. This course includes an evaluation of present and future strategies to preserve a healthy environment.
This course fulfills the Life and Physical Sciences foundational component area of the core and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical Quantitative Skills, and Teamwork.
Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)
CIP: 26.1305.51 03
Offered at: NLC: Yes NVC: Yes PAC: Yes SAC: Yes SPC: Yes Click here for course schedule information.