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  Mar 11, 2025
2024-2025 Transfer Advising Guides 
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2024-2025 Transfer Advising Guides

Architecture - AA to BS - Texas Tech University (TTU) 2024-2025

Lower Division Requirements at the Alamo Colleges District for an AA degree

The courses in this section meet the requirements for an Associate of Arts degree. The Graduation section in any catalog of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District lists additional Degree/Certificate Requirements.

Semester I

Semester II

Semester III

Semester IV

Semester V

Semester VI

Applicable Transfer Credit Hours

This Transfer Advising Guide provides 74 college-level hours, of which 73 will transfer and apply as 1 SCH of MATH 2412 will transfer but will NOT be applicable towards the Texas Tech University baccalaureate degree in Architecture.

Note: Texas Tech University accepts a maximum of 80 college-level hours in transfer towards a baccalaureate degree.  Students must complete the specified number of advanced credits and credits in residence for their degrees.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for all courses in a TTU Architecture degree plan.

Students may still take the following Texas Tech University degree required course:

Note: For the Alamo Colleges District this transfer advising guide is degree complete but NOT core complete.

Milestone Course(s)

*** denotes Milestone Course(s).

A milestone course is a course that is critical for success in this program as determined by the Faculty of the Alamo Colleges District.

Special Department Admissions Requirements at Texas Tech University for Architecture

Transfer Students

  1. Complete the Admission application.
  2. Upon acceptance to the University, register for Red Raider Orientation. At Red Raider Orientation, you will meet one on one with a architecture advisor to plan your schedule for the upcoming semester.
  3. Transfer students must meet a minimum 3.0 gpa requirement. Students who do not have the minimum gpa  requirement may still take the first year architecture courses.

College of Architecture Admissions Requirements:

Students who are transferring with architecture credit from another institution must submit the following items by MARCH 1:

  1. One-page Statement of Intent indicating why you chose Architecture as a profession and what unique and diverse  perspectives you will bring to the College of Architecture.
  2. Transcript
  3. (Deadline for completed portfolio is MAY 10) Digital portfolio of 15 to 25 pages, PDF format. Email PDF  to  The portfolio should include a collection of design work demonstrating the architectural abilities of the applicant. It should communicate the level, integrity, and breadth of your aptitude for the study of architecture. The review committee is interested in evaluating architectural design work. The portfolio should include work produced as a student and may also include a selection of supporting self-directed or outside work (two pages maximum). It should be composed in landscape orientation and demonstrate the applicant’s abilities in the following areas: 
  • Design explored in two and three dimensions and supported through drawings and models.
  • Appropriate use of media and the mastery of craft in constructing drawings and models.
  • Understanding of plan, section, and three-dimensional drawing to describe architectural space.
  • Freehand drawing: use of line, line weight, accurate observation.
  • Studio course work that additionally demonstrates aptitude in construction, design, analysis and programming through graphics and models.
  1. Notification of acceptance will be emailed from the College of Architecture by the end of MAY.
  2. The following may be required as a condition of admission into ARCH 3601 ARCH Design Studio V:
  • Rhino-Rhinoceros 3D Bootcamp - the two weeks between the Second Summer term and the first day of fall classes.

Texas Tech University Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Alamo Colleges District developed each Transfer Advising Guide with the understanding to account for Texas Tech University Uniform Undergraduate Degree Requirements as well as Texas Tech University college-specific requirements, if applicable.

The Texas Tech University Uniform Undergraduate Degree Requirements apply to all Texas Tech undergraduates regardless of their major or college. The requirements have six components:

  • General Requirements
  • Core Curriculum Requirement
  • Multicultural Requirement
  • Foreign Language Requirement
  • Science Laboratory Requirement
  • Communication Literacy Requirement

Texas Tech University Uniform Undergraduate Degree Requirement for Foreign Language differs from the College of Arts & Sciences Foreign Language Requirement; please visit the Texas Tech University College of Arts & Sciences webpage to verify if your desired degree (BA or BS) is listed under College of Arts & Sciences AND if you have additional foreign language hours required.

The College of Arts & Sciences requires 1-2 credit hours of Personal Fitness and Wellness.  However, students over age 25 are exempt. Any student who has served honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces for a minimum of 90 days may receive credit for 2 semester hours in personal fitness and wellness. Application for this credit must be made in the first semester of attendance at Texas Tech University. Students participating in varsity athletics may enroll in the PFW course that corresponds to their varsity sport. A maximum of 1 credit hour per academic year per sport may be earned in this manner.

For more information on Texas Tech University Academic Requirements, visit

Additional Texas Tech University Advising Notes

Things to do and remember upon Admission to Texas Tech University:

Using this Transfer Advising Guide with Texas Tech University

This Transfer Advising Guide represents Texas Tech’s degree plan and is subject to change at the university’s discretion. It is intended for advising purposes only so students know exactly which courses they can take at any of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District and have the courses count towards degree requirements when they transfer to Texas Tech University. It is highly recommended that students meet with their assigned academic advisor to review all graduation and transfer requirements listed in the Transfer Advising Guide.

The ultimate goal is to provide students with accurate information for transfer pathways while minimizing loss of credits in transfer. Students are encouraged to review Texas Tech University’s requirements frequently.

Course numbers in italics are Texas Tech University’s course numbers.

This Transfer Advising Guide is based upon Texas Tech University’s 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog and is subject to change.

The Alamo Colleges District Advising

Students are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor about courses and other educational concerns if they plan to pursue a two-year degree program, transfer to another college or university, or simply take a few selected courses. In addition to course and degree requirements, policies and procedures are subject to change; stay informed by meeting with an academic advisor regularly.

Many students who plan to transfer to a university are advised to fulfill the lower-division requirements for the university. With appropriate planning, your Alamo Colleges District team can help make the transfer experience a seamless process. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they take courses at the Alamo Colleges District that will be accepted by the senior institutions they wish to attend.

For more information contact your Alamo Colleges District team.

Release Date:

Released on October 4, 2024