2024-2025 Transfer Advising Guides
BAT Transfer Advising Guide: Network and Cloud Architecture, AAS to Cloud Computing, BAT - Northwest Vista College (NVC) 2024-2025 ♦
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The Alamo Colleges District (ACD) has provided an advising guide to offer students a seamless pathway to earn both a two-year degree and a four-year degree at Northwest Vista College (NVC).
Students earning the AAS in Network and Cloud Architecture will be prepared to pursue information technology and networking careers in organizations that support and provide cloud computing based services. Types of services include, but are not limited to, open source solutions for public and private clouds, website hosting, business applications, and testing and development in cloud technology. With an emphasis on practical experience, students learn the basics of network architecture, routing, switching, troubleshooting, programming, and security of the cloud-based network. This degree will also prepare for the globally-recognized COMPTIA Network+, COMPTIA A+, Cisco CCNA®, Cisco Security, and Linux Professional Institute (LPIC) certifications. In addition, completion of this degree will prepare students for organization-specific certifications in Cloud solutions, such as Open Stack open source software and TACACS authentication, with an emphasis on advanced layer 3 switching, and programming fundamentals.
The Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cloud Computing prepares students for many mid and entry-level roles in Cloud Computing Environments. Students will be versed in open-source technologies, scripting languages, regulatory compliance, multi-cloud environments, serverless computing, Internet of Things (IoT), load balancing, inter and intra-region data transfers, system engineering, and software development. Students will learn how to design, plan, and manage a cloud infrastructure.
Finally, students will be familiar with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), orchestration and automation of work in the cloud, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning technologies on a cloud platform.
Stackable Awards:
Lower Division Requirements at the Alamo Colleges District for an AAS degree
The courses in this section meet the requirements for an Associate of Applied Science degree. The Graduation section in any catalog of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District lists additional Degree/Certificate Requirements.
Lower Division Requirements at the Alamo Colleges District for the BAT degree
The courses in this section meet the requirements for an Bachelor of Applied Technology degree. The Graduation section in any catalog of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District lists additional Degree/Certificate Requirements.
Upper Division Requirements at Northwest Vista College for the BAT degree
The courses in this section meet the requirements for an Bachelor of Applied Technology degree. The Graduation section in any catalog of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District lists additional Degree/Certificate Requirements.
Applicable Credit Hours
This Advising Guide provides 120 college-level hours, of which 120 will apply towards the Northwest Vista College applied technology baccalaureate degree in Cloud Computing.
Note: For the Alamo Colleges District this advising guide is core complete, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree complete and Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) degree complete.
Milestone Course(s)
*** denotes Milestone Course(s).
A milestone course is a course that is critical for success in this program as determined by the Faculty of the Alamo Colleges District.
Capstone Course(s)
* denotes Capstone course
♦ - This symbol indicates the offering is also available fully online.
AlamoONLINE represents the breadth of opportunities for students pursuing offerings-degrees, certificates, and awards-delivered online from Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip’s College. To learn more, visit Alamo Colleges Online
AlamoPROMISE covers tuition and required fees for current academic year graduates from participating high schools seeking an academic certificate or associate degree at one of the five Alamo Colleges: Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip’s College.
As AlamoPROMISE Scholars, students meeting eligibility criteria receive a “last-dollar” scholarship for up to three years or the completion of an associate degree or academic certificate, whichever comes first. The “last-dollar” scholarship funds the cost of tuition and required fees after financial aid awards are applied.
How to Become a Promise Scholar: https://www.alamo.edu/promise/
Alamo Colleges Foundation: Scholarships
Through the generous support of donors, the Alamo Colleges Foundation offers a wide variety of scholarships. Alamo Colleges students submit one general scholarship application each academic year, and they are automatically considered for all Alamo Colleges Foundation scholarships and matched with eligible award opportunities.
For more information and to view all opportunities and apply for scholarships, please view the following website: https://www.alamo.edu/foundation/scholarships/
The Alamo Colleges District Advising
Students are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor about courses and other educational concerns if they plan to pursue a two-year degree program, transfer to another college or university, or simply take a few selected courses. In addition to course and degree requirements, policies and procedures are subject to change; stay informed by meeting with an academic advisor regularly.
Many students who plan to transfer to a university are advised to fulfill the lower-division requirements for the university. With appropriate planning, your Alamo Colleges District team can help make the transfer experience a seamless process. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they take courses at the Alamo Colleges District that will be accepted by the senior institutions they wish to attend.
For more information contact your Alamo Colleges District team.
Release Date:
Released on December 13, 2024
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